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Mrs. Purvis
Room J4

Homework is now posted online!

Students can access weekly announcements for homework assignments on Google Classroom. Class codes have been created and distributed to each class. Students will need to be logged into their Google account to access their Google Classroom.



Our current topic, Genetics, is often the most popular. Students are learning about Mendel’s discoveries and how modern science has helped us understand complicated inheritance patterns and even how to “tinker” with genes. Our culminating assessments for this unit will be a unit test and a performance task on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s). Lots to learn and discuss!

Earth Science

We are presently learning about Oceanography. Specifically, the features of the ocean floor, properties of ocean water and ocean currents. Additionally, we touched on ecosystems and migration patterns of organisms that inhabit the continental shelf. An understanding of the ocean’s characteristics, in particular, its function as a carbon sink and thermal regulator of the planet is critical to our study of the atmosphere, weather and climate in the coming months. Our culminating assessments for this unit will be a unit test and and stop motion video of ocean gyres.

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